Made by one of the most sought after German Riesling producers- Zilliken. They are only 11 ha large and all their holdings are in Grand Cru vineyards - 10ha in Rausch and 1ha in Bockstein. Zilliken's style is all about purity and elegance.
This is a slightly sweet wine with great transparency/purity. High acidity to balance the slight sweetness. Feels feathery light yet good fruit intensity. Fresh peach and lemon, fresh apples...this is a real delight. Taste this and you will understand why connoisseurs love Zilliken. Limited availability so hurry and do stock up if you like it! Drink now till 2030.
Food pairing: Most chinese cuisines say a fine braised duck from Imperial Treasure Teochew or some fresh pan seared scallops. You can also go casual - hawker food such as fried carrot cake, char kway teow or even laksa! Great with mild thai and Indian curry too.
Variety: Riesling
Country: Germany
Region: Saar
Alcohol: only 8%!
Zilliken's Rausch Grand Cru vineyard!